
J. K. Kraus

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5EEJ. K. Kraus: Algebraic Multigrid Based on Computational Molecules, 2: Linear Elasticity Problems. SIAM J. Scientific Computing 30(1): 505-524 (2008)
4EEJ. K. Kraus, Josef Schicho: Algebraic Multigrid Based on Computational Molecules, 1: Scalar Elliptic Problems. Computing 77(1): 57-75 (2006)
3EEJ. K. Kraus: On the Utilization of Edge Matrices in Algebraic Multigrid. LSSC 2005: 121-129
2EEJ. K. Kraus: Computing Interpolation Weights in AMG Based on Multilevel Schur Complements. Computing 74(4): 319-335 (2005)
1EEJ. K. Kraus, C. W. Brand: Condition Numbers of Approximate Schur Complements in Two- and Three-Dimensional Discretizations on Hierarchically Ordered Grids. Computing 65(2): 135-154 (2000)

Coauthor Index

1C. W. Brand [1]
2Josef Schicho [4]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)