
Belka Kraimeche

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10EEBelka Kraimeche, H. Skalli: A frequency-hopping scheme for interference control in a GSM/GPRS network. WMuNeP 2005: 101-105
9EEBelka Kraimeche, C. Mantelis: Analysis of Interference in a Wireless Link with Frequency Hopping. MASCOTS 2002: 303-312
8 Belka Kraimeche: Multiplexing of video and data sources in an ATM access network. Computer Communications 24(9): 889-897 (2001)
7 Belka Kraimeche: Voice and data integration at an ATM DSL access multiplexor. Telecommunication Systems 16(1-2): 55-71 (2001)
6EEShaw-Kung Jong, Belka Kraimeche: QoS Considerations on the Third Generation (3G) Wireless Systems. AIWoRC 2000: 249-254
5EEBelka Kraimeche: Design and analysis of the Stacked-Banyan ATM switch fabric. Computer Networks 32(2): 171-184 (2000)
4 Belka Kraimeche: Cell Loss and Call Blocking at an ATM Multiplexor. ICCCN 1998: 26-31
3 Belka Kraimeche: Integration of Narrowband and Wideband Traffic at an STM Multiplexor. ICSI 1990: 258-263
2 Belka Kraimeche, Mischa Schwartz: Circuit Access Control Strategies in Integrated Digital Networks. INFOCOM 1984: 230-235
1 Mischa Schwartz, Belka Kraimeche: An Analytic Control Model for an Integrated Node. INFOCOM 1983: 540-546

Coauthor Index

1Shaw-Kung Jong [6]
2C. Mantelis [9]
3Mischa Schwartz [1] [2]
4H. Skalli [10]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)