
Dieter Kraft

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3EEKathrin Knorr, Andreas Lapp, Pio Torre Flores, Jürgen Schirmer, Dieter Kraft, Jörg Petersen, M. Bourhaleb, T. Bertram: A Process Model for Distributed Development of Networked Mechatronic Components in Motor Vehicles. RE 2002: 214
2 Jörg Petersen, Torsten Betram, Andreas Lapp, Kathrin Knorr, Pio Torre Flores, Jürgen Schirmer, Dieter Kraft, Wolfgang Hermsen: UML Meta Model Extensions for Specifying Functional Requirements of Mechatronic Components in Vehicles. OMER 2001: 84-99
1EEDieter Kraft: Algorithm 733; TOMP - Fortran modules for optimal control calculations. ACM Trans. Math. Softw. 20(3): 262-281 (1994)

Coauthor Index

1T. Bertram [3]
2Torsten Betram [2]
3M. Bourhaleb [3]
4Pio Torre Flores [2] [3]
5Wolfgang Hermsen [2]
6Kathrin Knorr [2] [3]
7Andreas Lapp [2] [3]
8Jörg Petersen [2] [3]
9Jürgen Schirmer [2] [3]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)