
Sabine Kröner

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5 Sabine Kröner, H. Burkhardt: A Structured Neural Network for Shift and Rotation Invariant Pattern Recognition. NC 1998: 476-482
4 Sabine Kröner, Michael Nölle, Gerald Schreiber: Parallelization of Structured Invariant Neural Networks for Shift and Rotation Invariant Pattern Recognition. NC 1998: 676-684
3 Sabine Kröner: A Structured Neural Network Invariant to Cyclic Shifts and Rotations. CAIP 1997: 384-391
2 Sabine Kröner, Reinhard Moratz: Capacity of Structured Multilayer Networks with Shared Weights. ICANN 1996: 543-550
1 Sabine Kröner, Hanns Schulz-Mirbach: Fast Adaptive Calculation of Invariant Features. DAGM-Symposium 1995: 23-35

Coauthor Index

1H. Burkhardt [5]
2Reinhard Moratz [2]
3Michael Nölle [4]
4Gerald Schreiber [4]
5Hanns Schulz-Mirbach [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)