
Igor Kríz

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8EEIgor Kríz: All trapezoids are Ramsey. Discrete Mathematics 108(1-3): 59-62 (1992)
7EEIgor Kríz, Robin Thomas: Analyzing Nash-Williams' partition theorem by means of ordinal types. Discrete Mathematics 95(1-3): 135-167 (1991)
6EEIgor Kríz, Robin Thomas: The menger-like property of the tree-width of infinite graphs. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 52(1): 86-91 (1991)
5EEIgor Kríz, Robin Thomas: Clique-sums, tree-decompositions and compactness. Discrete Mathematics 81(2): 177-185 (1990)
4 Igor Kríz: A cycle-space invariant of the <2-distance-graph in the plane. Combinatorica 9(1): 103-105 (1989)
3 Igor Kríz: A hypergraph-free construction of highly chromatic graph without short cycles. Combinatorica 9(2): 227-229 (1989)
2 Pavol Hell, David G. Kirkpatrick, Jan Kratochvíl, Igor Kríz: On Restricted Two-Factors. SIAM J. Discrete Math. 1(4): 472-484 (1988)
1 Igor Kríz: A class of dimension-skipping graphs. Combinatorica 4(4): 317-319 (1984)

Coauthor Index

1Pavol Hell [2]
2David G. Kirkpatrick [2]
3Jan Kratochvíl [2]
4Robin Thomas [5] [6] [7]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)