
Masafumi Koyama

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5 Masami Shishibori, Masafumi Koyama, Makoto Okada, Jun-Ichi Aoe: Two improved access methods on compact binary (CB) trees. Inf. Process. Manage. 36(3): 379-399 (2000)
4 Masafumi Koyama, Masaki Oono, Kazuhiro Morita, Jun-Ichi Aoe: A fast and compact technique of implementing transition tables for finite state automata. Inf. Sci. 129(1-4): 141-154 (2000)
3 Masafumi Koyama, Kazuhiro Morita, Masao Fuketa, Jun-Ichi Aoe: A Fast Retrieving Algorithm of Hierarchical Relationships Using Trie Structures. Inf. Process. Manage. 34(6): 761-773 (1998)
2 Hisatoshi Mochizuki, Masafumi Koyama, Masami Shishibori, Jun-Ichi Aoe: A Substring search Algorithm in Extendible Hashing. Inf. Sci. 108(1-4): 13-30 (1998)
1 Ingrid Kirschning, Hideto Tomabechi, Masafumi Koyama, Jun-Ichi Aoe: The Time-Sliced Paradigm - A Connectionist Method for Continous Speech Recognition. Inf. Sci. 93(1): 133-158 (1996)

Coauthor Index

1Jun-Ichi Aoe [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
2Masao Fuketa [3]
3Ingrid Kirschning [1]
4Hisatoshi Mochizuki [2]
5Kazuhiro Morita [3] [4]
6Makoto Okada [5]
7Masaki Oono [4]
8Masami Shishibori [2] [5]
9Hideto Tomabechi [1]

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