
Tomasz Kowalski

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11EEJason Jingshi Li, Tomasz Kowalski, Jochen Renz, Sanjiang Li: Combining binary constraint networks in qualitative reasoning. ECAI 2008: 515-519
10EETomasz Kowalski, Marcus Kracht: Semisimple Varieties of Modal Algebras. Studia Logica 83(1-3): 351-363 (2006)
9EETomasz Kowalski: Semisimplicity, EDPC and Discriminator Varieties of Residuated Lattices. Studia Logica 77(2): 255-265 (2004)
8 Krzysztof Jassem, Filip Graliñski, Tomasz Kowalski: Applying Transition Networks in Translating Polish E-Mails. IIS 2003: 521-527
7 Tomasz Kowalski: PDL Has Interpolation. J. Symb. Log. 67(3): 933-946 (2002)
6 Tomasz Kowalski, H. Ono: Remarks on Splittings in the Variety of Residuated Lattices. Reports on Mathematical Logic 34: 133-140 (2000)
5EETomasz Kowalski, H. Ono: The Variety of Residuated Lattices is Generated by its Finite Simple Members. Reports on Mathematical Logic 34: 59-77 (2000)
4EETomasz Kowalski: Pretabular Varieties of Equivalential Algebras. Reports on Mathematical Logic 33: 3-10 (1999)
3EETomasz Kowalski: Varieties of Tense Algebras. Reports on Mathematical Logic 32: 53-95 (1998)
2 Tomasz Kowalski: The Bottom of the Lattice of BCK-varieties. Reports on Mathematical Logic 29: 87-93 (1995)
1EETomasz Kowalski: A Syntactic Proof of a Conjecture of Andrzej Wronski. Reports on Mathematical Logic 28: 81-86 (1994)

Coauthor Index

1Filip Graliñski [8]
2Krzysztof Jassem [8]
3Marcus Kracht [10]
4Jason Jingshi Li [11]
5Sanjiang Li [11]
6H. Ono [5] [6]
7Jochen Renz [11]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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