
Kornél Kovács

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7EEKornél Kovács, András Kocsor: Classification using a sparse combination of basis functions. Acta Cybern. 17(2): (2006)
6 Csaba Szepesvári, András Kocsor, Kornél Kovács: Kernel Machine Based Feature Extraction Algorithms for Regression Problems. ECAI 2004: 1091-1092
5EEAndrás Kocsor, Kornél Kovács, Csaba Szepesvári: Margin Maximizing Discriminant Analysis. ECML 2004: 227-238
4EEKornél Kovács, András Kocsor: Various Hyperplane Classifiers Using Kernel Feature Spaces. Acta Cybern. 16(2): 271-278 (2003)
3EEKornél Kovács, András Kocsor, László Tóth: Hungarian Speech Synthesis Using a Phase Exact HNM Approach. SOFSEM 2002: 181-185
2EEAndrás Kocsor, Kornél Kovács: Kernel Springy Discriminant Analysis and Its Application to a Phonological Awareness Teaching System. TSD 2002: 325-328
1EELászló Tóth, András Kocsor, Kornél Kovács: A Discriminative Segmental Speech Model and Its Application to Hungarian Number Recognition. TSD 2000: 307-313

Coauthor Index

1András Kocsor [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
2Csaba Szepesvári [5] [6]
3László Tóth [1] [3]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)