
Costas D. Koutras

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7 P. E. Eleftheriou, Costas D. Koutras: Frame constructions, truth invariance and validity preservation in many-valued modal logic. Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 15(4): 367-388 (2005)
6 Costas D. Koutras: A Catalog of Weak Many-Valued Modal Axioms and their Corresponding Frame Classes. Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 13(1): 47-73 (2003)
5 Costas D. Koutras, Pavlos Peppas: Weaker Axioms, More Ranges. Fundam. Inform. 51(3): 297-310 (2002)
4 Costas D. Koutras, Christos Nomikos, Pavlos Peppas: Canonicity and Completeness Results for Many-Valued Modal Logics. Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 12(1): 7-42 (2002)
3 Pavlos Peppas, Costas D. Koutras, Mary-Anne Williams: Prolegomena to Concise Theories of Action. Studia Logica 67(3): 403-418 (2001)
2EECostas D. Koutras, Stathis Zachos: Many-Valued Reflexive Autoepistemic Logic. Logic Journal of the IGPL 8(1): (2000)
1 Costas D. Koutras, George Koletsos, Stathis Zachos: Many-Valued Modal Non-Monotonic Reasoning: Sequential Stable Sets and Logics with Linear Truth Spaces. Fundam. Inform. 38(3): 281-324 (1999)

Coauthor Index

1P. E. Eleftheriou [7]
2George Koletsos [1]
3Christos Nomikos [4]
4Pavlos Peppas [3] [4] [5]
5Mary-Anne Williams [3]
6Stathis Zachos [1] [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)