
Zofia Kostrzycka

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6EEZofia Kostrzycka: On non-compact logics in NEXT(KTB). Math. Log. Q. 54(6): 617-624 (2008)
5EEZofia Kostrzycka: On asymptotic divergency in equivalential logics. Mathematical Structures in Computer Science 18(2): 311-324 (2008)
4EEZofia Kostrzycka, Marek Zaionc: Asymptotic Densities in Logic and Type Theory. Studia Logica 88(3): 385-403 (2008)
3EEZofia Kostrzycka: The density of truth in monadic fragments of some intermediate logics. Journal of Logic, Language and Information 16(3): 283-302 (2007)
2EEZofia Kostrzycka, Marek Zaionc: Statistics of Intuitionistic versus Classical Logics. Studia Logica 76(3): 307-328 (2004)
1 Zofia Kostrzycka: On the Density of Truth of Implicational Parts of Intuitionistic and Classical Logics. Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 13(3-4): 391-421 (2003)

Coauthor Index

1Marek Zaionc [2] [4]

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