
Leila Kosseim

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32EEReda Siblini, Leila Kosseim: AORTE for Recognizing Textual Entailment. CICLing 2009: 245-255
31EEIshrar Hussain, Leila Kosseim, Olga Ormandjieva: Using Linguistic Knowledge to Classify Non-functional Requirements in SRS documents. NLDB 2008: 287-298
30EELeila Kosseim, Jamileh Yousefi: Improving the performance of question answering with semantically equivalent answer patterns. Data Knowl. Eng. 66(1): 53-67 (2008)
29EEMajid Razmara, Leila Kosseim: A Little Known Fact Is ... Answering Other Questions Using Interest-Markers. CICLing 2007: 518-529
28EEOsama El Demerdash, Leila Kosseim, Sabine Bergler: Text-Based Clustering of the ImageCLEFphoto Collection for Augmenting the Retrieved Results. CLEF 2007: 562-568
27EEAbolfazl Keighobadi Lamjiri, Leila Kosseim, Thiruvengadam Radhakrishnan: Comparing the Contribution of Syntactic and Semantic Features in Closed versus Open Domain Question Answering. ICSC 2007: 679-685
26EEIshrar Hussain, Olga Ormandjieva, Leila Kosseim: Automatic Quality Assessment of SRS Text by Means of a Decision-Tree-Based Text Classifier. QSIC 2007: 209-218
25 Abolfazl Keighobadi Lamjiri, Julien Dubuc, Leila Kosseim, Sabine Bergler: Indexing Low Frequency Information for Answering Complex Questions. RIAO 2007
24EEOlga Ormandjieva, Ishrar Hussain, Leila Kosseim: Toward a text classification system for the quality assessment of software requirements written in natural language. SOQUA 2007: 39-45
23EEMajid Razmara, Andrew Fee, Leila Kosseim: Concordia University at the TREC 2007 QA Track. TREC 2007
22EEJamileh Yousefi, Leila Kosseim: Automatic Acquisition of Semantic-Based Question Reformulations for Question Answering. CICLing 2006: 441-452
21EEJacques Chelin, Leila Kosseim, Thiruvengadam Radhakrishnan: Using Natural Language Processing to Assist the Visually Handicapped in Writing Compositions. Canadian Conference on AI 2006: 300-311
20 Leila Kosseim, Reda Siblini, Christopher J. O. Baker, Sabine Bergler: Using Selectional Restrictions to Query an OWL Ontology. FOIS 2006: 360-371
19EEJamileh Yousefi, Leila Kosseim: Using Semantic Constraints to Improve Question Answering. NLDB 2006: 118-128
18EELeila Kosseim, Alex Beaudoin, Abolfazl Keighobadi Lamjiri, Majid Razmara: Concordia University at the TREC 15 QA Track. TREC 2006
17EEOsama El Demerdash, Sabine Bergler, Leila Kosseim, P. Karen Langshaw: Developing AMIE: An Adaptive Multimedia Integrated Environment. Adaptive Multimedia Retrieval 2005: 65-78
16EEOsama El Demerdash, Sabine Bergler, Leila Kosseim, P. Karen Langshaw: Generating Adaptive Multimedia Presentations Based on a Semiotic Framework. Canadian Conference on AI 2005: 417-421
15EENiculae Stratica, Leila Kosseim, Bipin C. Desai: Using semantic templates for a natural language interface to the CINDI virtual library. Data Knowl. Eng. 55(1): 4-19 (2005)
14 Hai Doan-Nguyen, Leila Kosseim: Improving the Precision of a Closed-Domain Question-Answering System with Semantic Information. RIAO 2004: 850-859
13EELeila Kosseim, Luc Plamondon, Louis-Julien Guillemette: Answer Formulation for Question-Answering. Canadian Conference on AI 2003: 24-34
12 Niculae Stratica, Leila Kosseim, Bipin C. Desai: NLIDB Templates for Semantic Parsing. NLDB 2003: 235-241
11EEGuy Lapalme, Leila Kosseim: Mercure: Towards an Automatic E-mail Follow-up System. IEEE Computational Intelligence Bulletin 2(1): 14-18 (2003)
10 Leila Kosseim, Luc Plamondon, Guy Lapalme: La réponse automatique comme solution à la gestion des relations avec la clientèle Une application de la question-réponse. Ingénierie des Systèmes d'Information 8(3): 91-114 (2003)
9EELuc Plamondon, Leila Kosseim: QUANTUM: A Function-Based Question Answering System. Canadian Conference on AI 2002: 281-292
8EELuc Plamondon, Guy Lapalme, Leila Kosseim: The QUANTUM Question Answering System at TREC 11. TREC 2002
7EELuc Plamondon, Guy Lapalme, Leila Kosseim: The QUANTUM Question Answering System. TREC 2001
6EELeila Kosseim, Stéphane Beauregard, Guy Lapalme: Using information extraction and natural language generation to answer e-mail. Data Knowl. Eng. 38(1): 85-100 (2001)
5 Thierry Poibeau, Leila Kosseim: Proper Name Extraction from Non-Journalistic Texts. CLIN 2000: 144-157
4EELeila Kosseim, Stéphane Beauregard, Guy Lapalme: Using Information Extraction and Natural Language Generation to Answer E-Mail. NLDB 2000: 152-163
3EEMichael Laszlo, Leila Kosseim, Guy Lapalme: Goal-Driven Answer Extraction. TREC 2000
2 Leila Kosseim, Guy Lapalme: Choosing Rhetorical Structures to Plan Instructional Texts. Computational Intelligence 16(3): 408-445 (2000)
1 Leila Kosseim, Agnès Tutin, Richard I. Kittredge, Guy Lapalme: Generating Grammatical and Lexical Anaphora in Assembly Instructional Texts. EWNLG 1993: 260-276

Coauthor Index

1Christopher J. O. Baker [20]
2Alex Beaudoin [18]
3Stéphane Beauregard [4] [6]
4Sabine Bergler [16] [17] [20] [25] [28]
5Jacques Chelin [21]
6Osama El Demerdash [16] [17] [28]
7Bipin C. Desai [12] [15]
8Hai Doan-Nguyen [14]
9Julien Dubuc [25]
10Andrew Fee [23]
11Louis-Julien Guillemette [13]
12Ishrar Hussain [24] [26] [31]
13Richard I. Kittredge [1]
14Abolfazl Keighobadi Lamjiri [18] [25] [27]
15P. Karen Langshaw [16] [17]
16Guy Lapalme [1] [2] [3] [4] [6] [7] [8] [10] [11]
17Michael Laszlo [3]
18Olga Ormandjieva [24] [26] [31]
19Luc Plamondon [7] [8] [9] [10] [13]
20Thierry Poibeau [5]
21Thiruvengadam Radhakrishnan [21] [27]
22Majid Razmara [18] [23] [29]
23Reda Siblini [20] [32]
24Niculae Stratica [12] [15]
25Agnès Tutin [1]
26Jamileh Yousefi [19] [22] [30]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)