2008 |
5 | EE | Anna Korzynska:
Automatic Counting of Neural Stem Cells Growing in Cultures.
Computer Recognition Systems 2 2008: 604-612 |
4 | EE | Anna Korzynska,
Mateusz Zdunczuk:
Clustering as a Method of Image Simplification.
Information Technologies in Biomedicine 2008: 345-356 |
3 | EE | Anna Korzynska,
Marcin Iwanowski:
Detection of Mitotic Cell Fraction in Neural Stem Cells in Cultures.
Information Technologies in Biomedicine 2008: 365-376 |
2007 |
2 | EE | Anna Korzynska,
Wojciech Strojny,
Andreas Hoppe,
David Wertheim,
Pawel Hoser:
Segmentation of microscope images of living cells.
Pattern Anal. Appl. 10(4): 301-319 (2007) |
2005 |
1 | EE | Anna Korzynska,
Marcin Jurga,
Krystyna Domanska-Janik,
Wojciech Strojny,
Darek Wloskowicz:
Analysis of Stem Cell Clonal Growth.
CORES 2005: 577-584 |