
Enrique V. Kortright

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5 Lawrence E. Sweeney, Enrique V. Kortright, Robert J. Buckley: Developing an RM-ODP-Based Architecture for the Defense Integrated Military Human Resources System. WOODPECKER 2001: 110-123
4EEEnrique V. Kortright: Modeling and simulation with UML and Java. Annual Simulation Symposium 1997: 43-
3EEEnrique V. Kortright: Temporal analysis of &lgr;&sgr; activity systems. Annual Simulation Symposium 1992: 242-246
2EEEnrique V. Kortright: Model verification in &lgr;&sgr;: a type inference approach. Annual Simulation Symposium 1991: 283-289
1EEEnrique V. Kortright: Expert-VSim (abstract only): an expert simulation environment. ACM Conference on Computer Science 1987: 418

Coauthor Index

1Robert J. Buckley [5]
2Lawrence E. Sweeney [5]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)