
Tymur Korkishko

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3EEChae Hoon Lim, Tymur Korkishko: mCrypton - A Lightweight Block Cipher for Security of Low-Cost RFID Tags and Sensors. WISA 2005: 243-258
2EEElena Trichina, Tymur Korkishko, Kyung-Hee Lee: Small Size, Low Power, Side Channel-Immune AES Coprocessor: Design and Synthesis Results. AES Conference 2004: 113-127
1EEElena Trichina, Tymur Korkishko: Secure AES Hardware Module for Resource Constrained Devices. ESAS 2004: 215-230

Coauthor Index

1Kyung-Hee Lee [2]
2Chae Hoon Lim [3]
3Elena Trichina [1] [2]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)