
Frédéric Koriche

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17EEFrédéric Koriche: Online Rule Learning via Weighted Model Counting. ECAI 2008: 112-116
16EEFrédéric Koriche: Learning to assign degrees of belief in relational domains. Machine Learning 73(1): 25-53 (2008)
15EEFrédéric Koriche: Learning to Assign Degrees of Belief in Relational Domains. ILP 2007: 25-26
14 Christian Bessière, Remi Coletta, Frédéric Koriche, Barry O'Sullivan: Acquiring Constraint Networks Using a SAT-based Version Space Algorithm. AAAI 2006
13EEChristian Bessière, Remi Coletta, Frédéric Koriche, Barry O'Sullivan: A SAT-Based Version Space Algorithm for Acquiring Constraint Satisfaction Problems. ECML 2005: 23-34
12EEFrédéric Koriche: Online Closure-Based Learning of Relational Theories. ILP 2005: 172-189
11 Frédéric Koriche: Bias Windowing for Relational Learning. ECAI 2004: 495-499
10EEFrédéric Koriche, Joël Quinqueton: Robust k-DNF Learning via Inductive Belief Merging. ECML 2003: 229-240
9EEJacques Ferber, Frédéric Koriche, John Tranier: Un modèle efficace de normes pour les systèmes multi-agents organisationnels. Technique et Science Informatiques 22(4): 205-217 (2003)
8EEFrédéric Koriche: A Roadmap of Epistemic Logics for Learning Agents. Intelligent Tutoring Systems 2002: 6-7
7 Frédéric Koriche: Approximate coherence-based reasoning. Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 12(2): 239-258 (2002)
6EEFrédéric Koriche: A Logic for Approximate First-Order Reasoning. CSL 2001: 262-276
5EEFrédéric Koriche: On Anytime Coherence-Based Reasoning. ECSQARU 2001: 556-567
4EEFrédéric Koriche: A Logic for Anytime Deduction and Anytime Compilation. JELIA 1998: 324-341
3 Frédéric Koriche: Approximate Reasoning about Combined Knowledge. ATAL 1997: 259-273
2EEFrédéric Koriche: Fault-Tolerant and Approximate Reasoning in Multi-Source Environments. CoopIS 1997: 66-72
1 Frédéric Koriche: Modeling Knowledge Merging Systems. DEXA Workshop 1997: 562-567

Coauthor Index

1Christian Bessiere (Christian Bessière) [13] [14]
2Remi Coletta [13] [14]
3Jacques Ferber [9]
4Barry O'Sullivan [13] [14]
5Joël Quinqueton [10]
6John Tranier [9]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)