2007 |
7 | EE | Jason Hickey,
Aleksey Nogin,
Xin Yu,
Alexei Kopylov:
Practical Reflection for Sequent Logics.
Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 174(5): 79-94 (2007) |
2006 |
6 | EE | Jason Hickey,
Aleksey Nogin,
Xin Yu,
Alexei Kopylov:
Mechanized meta-reasoning using a hybrid HOAS/de bruijn representation and reflection.
ICFP 2006: 172-183 |
5 | EE | Aleksey Nogin,
Alexei Kopylov:
Formalizing Type Operations Using the "Image" Type Constructor.
Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 165: 121-132 (2006) |
2005 |
4 | EE | Aleksey Nogin,
Alexei Kopylov,
Xin Yu,
Jason Hickey:
A computational approach to reflective meta-reasoning about languages with bindings.
MERLIN 2005: 2-12 |
2003 |
3 | EE | Alexei Kopylov:
Dependent Intersection: A New Way of Defining Records in Type Theory.
LICS 2003: 86-95 |
2 | EE | Jason Hickey,
Aleksey Nogin,
Robert L. Constable,
Brian E. Aydemir,
Eli Barzilay,
Yegor Bryukhov,
Richard Eaton,
Adam Granicz,
Alexei Kopylov,
Christoph Kreitz,
Vladimir Krupski,
Lori Lorigo,
Stephan Schmitt,
Carl Witty,
Xin Yu:
MetaPRL - A Modular Logical Environment.
TPHOLs 2003: 287-303 |
2001 |
1 | EE | Alexei Kopylov,
Aleksey Nogin:
Markov's Principle for Propositional Type Theory.
CSL 2001: 570-584 |