
Adam Koprowski

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7EEAdam Koprowski, Johannes Waldmann: Arctic Termination ...Below Zero. RTA 2008: 202-216
6EEAdam Koprowski, Hans Zantema: Certification of Proving Termination of Term Rewriting by Matrix Interpretations. SOFSEM 2008: 328-339
5EEAdam Koprowski, Aart Middeldorp: Predictive Labeling with Dependency Pairs Using SAT. CADE 2007: 410-425
4EEAdam Koprowski, Hans Zantema: Automation of Recursive Path Ordering for Infinite Labelled Rewrite Systems. IJCAR 2006: 332-346
3EEAdam Koprowski: Certified Higher-Order Recursive Path Ordering. RTA 2006: 227-241
2EEAdam Koprowski: TPA: Termination Proved Automatically. RTA 2006: 257-266
1EEAdam Koprowski, Hans Zantema: Proving Liveness with Fairness Using Rewriting. FroCos 2005: 232-247

Coauthor Index

1Aart Middeldorp [5]
2Johannes Waldmann [7]
3Hans Zantema [1] [4] [6]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)