
Insoo Koo

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17EETran-Xuan Cong, Eunchan Kim, Insoo Koo: RSS Based Localization Scheme Using Angle-Referred Calibration in Wireless Sensor Networks. ICIC (1) 2008: 1222-1233
16EESungsoo Choi, Insoo Koo, Youngsun Kim: Implementation and Performance Analysis of Noncoherent UWB Transceiver Under LOS Residential Channel Environment. ICIC (2) 2007: 1345-1356
15EEDmitry Kramarev, Insoo Koo, Kiseon Kim: Type-Based Detection with a Fusion Center Performing the Sequential Test in Wireless Sensor Networks. IEICE Transactions 90-B(12): 3354-3361 (2007)
14EEInsoo Koo, Jeongrok Yang, Kiseon Kim: Delay Distribution of Data Calls in Integrated Voice/Data CDMA Systems. IEICE Transactions 90-B(3): 668-671 (2007)
13EEDmitry Kramarev, Insoo Koo, Kiseon Kim: Sequential Approach for Type-Based Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks. MSN 2006: 782-792
12EEInsoo Koo, Kiseon Kim: Erlang Capacity of Multi-Service Multi-Access Systems with a Limited Number of Channel Elements According to Separate and Common Operations. IEICE Transactions 89-B(11): 3065-3074 (2006)
11EESeokjoo Shin, Seungjae Bahng, Insoo Koo, Kiseon Kim: QoS-Oriented Packet Scheduling Schemes for Multimedia Traffics in OFDMA Systems. ICN (1) 2005: 153-160
10EEInsoo Koo, Jeongrok Yang, Kiseon Kim: Erlang Capacity of Voice/Data CDMA Systems with Service Requirements of Blocking Probability and Delay Constraint. ICN (2) 2005: 936-943
9EEInsoo Koo, Seokjoo Shin, Kiseon Kim: Performance Analysis of Random Access Channel in OFDMA Systems. ICW/ICHSN/ICMCS/SENET 2005: 128-133
8EEInsoo Koo, Seokjoo Shin, Kiseon Kim: A Heuristic Scheduling Algorithm for 1xEV-DO-Like Systems. HSNMC 2004: 885-893
7EEInsoo Koo, Anders Furuskar, Jens Zander, Kiseon Kim: Erlang Capacity Analysis of Multi-access Systems Supporting Voice and Data Services. PWC 2004: 69-78
6EEHyunduk Kang, Seokjin Sung, Insoo Koo, Kiseon Kim: Hot-beam traffic relief for cellular SBF multi-beam array antenna CDMA systems. VTC Fall (2) 2004: 789-792
5EEInsoo Koo, Jens Zander, Kiseon Kim: A Power-Allocation-Combined Scheduling Algorithm for CDMA-Based High-Rate Packet Data Systems. WWIC 2004: 225-235
4EEInsoo Koo, Seungjae Bahng, Kiseon Kim: QoS-sensitive admission policy for non-real-time data packets in voice/data integrated CDMA systems. Computer Communications 26(12): 1419-1425 (2003)
3EEInsoo Koo, Aftab Ahmad, Kiseon Kim: Erlang Capacity of CDMA Systems Using Optimized Sectoring. IJWIN 10(2): 105-110 (2003)
2EEInsoo Koo, Seungjae Bahng, Kiseon Kim: Performance of Reservation in Call Admission Control Schemes for Code-Division Multiple Access Systems with Nonuniform Traffic Distribution Among Cells. IJWIN 10(3): 159-163 (2003)
1EEInsoo Koo, Kiseon Kim, Aftab Ahmad: Erlang capacity of a CDMA system using optimized sectoring. MWCN 2002: 66-70

Coauthor Index

1Aftab Ahmad [1] [3]
2Seungjae Bahng [2] [4] [11]
3Sungsoo Choi [16]
4Tran-Xuan Cong [17]
5Anders Furuskar [7]
6Hyunduk Kang [6]
7Eunchan Kim [17]
8Kiseon Kim [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15]
9Youngsun Kim [16]
10Dmitry Kramarev [13] [15]
11Seokjoo Shin [8] [9] [11]
12Seokjin Sung [6]
13Jeongrok Yang [10] [14]
14Jens Zander [5] [7]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)