
Elena V. Konstantinova

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12EEVladimir I. Levenshtein, Elena V. Konstantinova, Eugene Konstantinov, Sergey Molodtsov: Reconstruction of a graph from 2-vicinities of its vertices. Discrete Applied Mathematics 156(9): 1399-1406 (2008)
11EEElena V. Konstantinova: On reconstruction of signed permutations distorted by reversal errors. Discrete Mathematics 308(5-6): 974-984 (2008)
10EEElena V. Konstantinova: Reconstruction of permutations distorted by reversal errors. Discrete Applied Mathematics 155(18): 2426-2434 (2007)
9EEElena V. Konstantinova: Vertex reconstruction in Cayley graphs. Combinatorial and Algorithmic Foundations of Pattern and Association Discovery 2006
8EEElena V. Konstantinova: On Some Applications of Information Indices in Chemical Graph Theory. GTIT-C 2006: 831-852
7EEElena V. Konstantinova: On some applications of information indices in chemical graph theory. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 21: 329 (2005)
6EEVladimir I. Levenshtein, Elena V. Konstantinova, Eugene Konstantinov, Sergey Molodtsov: Reconstruction of a graph from 2-vicinities of its vertices, . Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 21: 347-351 (2005)
5EEElena V. Konstantinova, Igor A. Rotakhin: Characterization of Digital Peripheral Devices for the Hybrid Photographic Processes. PICS 2003: 526-529
4EEElena V. Konstantinova, Maxim V. Vidyuk: Discriminating Tests of Information and Topological Indices. Animals and Trees. Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences 43(6): 1860-1871 (2003)
3EEElena V. Konstantinova, Vladimir A. Skorobogatov: Application of hypergraph theory in chemistry. Discrete Mathematics 235(1-3): 365-383 (2001)
2EEElena V. Konstantinova: The Discrimination Ability of Some Topological and Information Distance Indices for Graphs of Unbranched Hexagonal Systems. Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences 36(1): 54-57 (1996)
1 Elena V. Konstantinova, Vladimir A. Skorobogatov: Molecular Hypergraphs: The New Representation of Nonclassical Molecular Structures with Polycentric Delocalized Bonds. Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences 35(3): 472-478 (1995)

Coauthor Index

1Eugene Konstantinov [6] [12]
2Vladimir I. Levenshtein [6] [12]
3Sergey Molodtsov [6] [12]
4Igor A. Rotakhin [5]
5Vladimir A. Skorobogatov [1] [3]
6Maxim V. Vidyuk [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)