
Alexander Konovalov

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6EESebastian Freundt, Peter Horn, Alexander Konovalov, Steve Linton, Dan Roozemond: Symbolic Computation Software Composability. AISC/MKM/Calculemus 2008: 285-295
5EEAlexandru Cârstea, Georgiana Macariu, Dana Petcu, Alexander Konovalov: Pattern Based Composition of Web Services for Symbolic Computations. ICCS (1) 2008: 126-135
4EEAbdallah Al Zain, Philip W. Trinder, Kevin Hammond, Alexander Konovalov, Steve Linton, Jost Berthold: Parallelism without Pain: Orchestrating Computational Algebra Components into a High-Performance Parallel System. ISPA 2008: 99-112
3EEAlexandru Cârstea, Marc Frîncu, Alexander Konovalov, Georgiana Macariu, Dana Petcu: On Service-Oriented Symbolic Computing. PPAM 2007: 843-851
2EEAlexander Konovalov: Object-Oriented Data Model for Data Warehouse. ADBIS 2002: 319-325
1EERussell East, Roop K. Goyal, Art Haddad, Alexander Konovalov, Andrea Rosso, Mike Tait, Jay Theodore: The Architecture of ArcIMS, a Distributed Internet Map Server. SSTD 2001: 387-403

Coauthor Index

1Jost Berthold [4]
2Alexandru Cârstea [3] [5]
3Russell East [1]
4Sebastian Freundt [6]
5Marc Frîncu [3]
6Roop K. Goyal [1]
7Art Haddad [1]
8Kevin Hammond [4]
9Peter Horn [6]
10Steve Linton [4] [6]
11Georgiana Macariu [3] [5]
12Dana Petcu [3] [5]
13Dan Roozemond [6]
14Andrea Rosso [1]
15Mike Tait [1]
16Jay Theodore [1]
17Philip W. Trinder [4]
18Abdallah Al Zain [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)