
Koon Yin Kong

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5EEKoon Yin Kong, Yachna Sharma, S. Hussain Raza, Zhuo Chen, Susan Muller, May D. Wang: Using spiral intensity profile to quantify head and neck cancer. BIBE 2008: 1-6
4EEChristopher Alberti, Jean-Philippe Villaréal, Delano Billingsley, Koon Yin Kong, Adam I. Marcus, Paraskevi Giannakakou, May D. Wang: Microtubule Dynamics Classification Using a Statistical Model of the Movement of Outer Tips. BIBE 2007: 495-502
3EEKoon Yin Kong, Adam I. Marcus, Paraskevi Giannakakou, May D. Wang: Using Particle Filter to Track and Model Microtubule Dynamics. ICIP (5) 2007: 517-520
2EEQaiser Chaudry, Koon Yin Kong, Thomas U. Ahearn, Vaunita Cohen, Robert M. Bostick, May D. Wang: An Integrated Image Quantification System for Colorectal Cancer Risk Assessment Using Quantum Dots and Molecular Profiling. ISBI 2007: 1280-1283
1EEKoon Yin Kong, Adam I. Marcus, Jin Young Hong, Paraskevi Giannakakou, May D. Wang: Ceulular Imaging Data Analysis: Mircotubule Dynamics in Living Cell. ICIP 2006: 2545-2548

Coauthor Index

1Thomas U. Ahearn [2]
2Christopher Alberti [4]
3Delano Billingsley [4]
4Robert M. Bostick [2]
5Qaiser Chaudry [2]
6Zhuo Chen [5]
7Vaunita Cohen [2]
8Paraskevi Giannakakou [1] [3] [4]
9Jin Young Hong [1]
10Adam I. Marcus [1] [3] [4]
11Susan Muller [5]
12S. Hussain Raza [5]
13Yachna Sharma [5]
14Jean-Philippe Villaréal [4]
15May D. Wang [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)