
Jiantao Kong

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7EEJiantao Kong, Karsten Schwan, Min Lee, Mustaque Ahamad: Protectit: trusted distributed services operating on sensitive data. EuroSys 2008: 137-147
6EEJiantao Kong, Karsten Schwan, Patrick Widener: Protected data paths: delivering sensitive data via untrusted proxies. PST 2006: 14
5EEJiantao Kong, Karsten Schwan: KStreams: kernel support for efficient data streaming in proxy servers. NOSSDAV 2005: 159-164
4EEHubertus Franke, Shailabh Nagar, Chandra Seetharaman, Vivek Kashyap, Haoqiang Zheng, Jiantao Kong: Enabling Autonomic Workload Management in Linux. ICAC 2004: 314-315
3EESandip Agarwala, Christian Poellabauer, Jiantao Kong, Karsten Schwan, Matthew Wolf: Resource-Aware Stream Management with the Customizable dproc Distributed Monitoring Mechanisms. HPDC 2003: 250-259
2EESandip Agarwala, Christian Poellabauer, Jiantao Kong, Karsten Schwan, Matthew Wolf: System-Level Resource Monitoring in High-Performance Computing Environments. J. Grid Comput. 1(3): 273-289 (2003)
1EEChristian Poellabauer, Karsten Schwan, Greg Eisenhauer, Jiantao Kong: KECho - Event Communication for Distributed Kernel Services. ARCS 2002: 83-100

Coauthor Index

1Sandip Agarwala [2] [3]
2Mustaque Ahamad [7]
3Greg Eisenhauer [1]
4Hubertus Franke [4]
5Vivek Kashyap [4]
6Min Lee [7]
7Shailabh Nagar [4]
8Christian Poellabauer [1] [2] [3]
9Karsten Schwan [1] [2] [3] [5] [6] [7]
10Chandra Seetharaman [4]
11Patrick Widener [6]
12Matthew Wolf [2] [3]
13Haoqiang Zheng [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)