
Michiro Kondo

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19EEJouni Järvinen, Michiro Kondo, Jari Kortelainen: Logics from Galois connections. Int. J. Approx. Reasoning 49(3): 595-606 (2008)
18EEMichiro Kondo, Wieslaw A. Dudek: On bounded lattices satisfying Elkan's law. Soft Comput. 12(11): 1035-1037 (2008)
17EEMichiro Kondo, Wieslaw A. Dudek: Filter theory of BL algebras. Soft Comput. 12(5): 419-423 (2008)
16EEMichiro Kondo, O. Watari, Mayuka F. Kawaguchi, Masaaki Miyakoshi: A Logic Determined by Commutative Residuated Lattices. EUSFLAT Conf. (2) 2007: 45-48
15EEJouni Järvinen, Michiro Kondo, Jari Kortelainen: Modal-Like Operators in Boolean Lattices, Galois Connections and Fixed Points. Fundam. Inform. 76(1-2): 129-145 (2007)
14 Michiro Kondo: On Topologies Defined by Binary Relations in Rough Sets. Artificial Intelligence and Applications 2006: 406-409
13EEJair Minoro Abe, Cláudio Rodrigo Torres, Germano Lambert-Torres, Kazumi Nakamatsu, Michiro Kondo: Intelligent Paraconsistent Logic Controller and Autonomous Mobile Robot Emmy II. KES (2) 2006: 851-857
12EEKazumi Nakamatsu, Michiro Kondo, Jair Minoro Abe: EVALPSN Based Intelligent Drivers' Model. KES (2) 2006: 858-865
11EEMichiro Kondo, Kazumi Nakamatsu, Jair Minoro Abe: Logic Determined by Boolean Algebras with Conjugate. KES (2) 2006: 871-878
10EEMichiro Kondo: On the structure of generalized rough sets. Inf. Sci. 176(5): 589-600 (2006)
9EEMichiro Kondo, Wieslaw A. Dudek: Topological Structures of Rough Sets Induced by Equivalence Relations. JACIII 10(5): 621-624 (2006)
8EEMichiro Kondo: Algebraic Transfer Principle in Fuzzy Theory. EUSFLAT Conf. 2005: 406-411
7EEMichiro Kondo, Mayuka F. Kawaguchi: Partially Ordered Set with Residuated t-norm. ISMVL 2005: 26-29
6 Michiro Kondo: On topological properties of generalized rough sets. LAPTEC 2005: 229-233
5EEMichiro Kondo: Algebraic Approach to Generalized Rough Sets. RSFDGrC (1) 2005: 132-140
4EEMichiro Kondo: Characterization Theorem of Lattice Implication Algebra. ISMVL 2004: 257-260
3EEMichiro Kondo: On the Structures of Weak Interlaced Bilattice. ISMVL 2002: 23-
2 Michiro Kondo: Classification of Weak DeMorgan Algebras. Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 36(3): 396-406 (1995)
1 Michiro Kondo: Approximation Logic and Strong Bunge Algebra. Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 36(4): 595-605 (1995)

Coauthor Index

1Jair Minoro Abe [11] [12] [13]
2Wieslaw A. Dudek [9] [17] [18]
3Jouni Järvinen [15] [19]
4Mayuka F. Kawaguchi [7] [16]
5Jari Kortelainen [15] [19]
6Germano Lambert-Torres [13]
7Masaaki Miyakoshi [16]
8Kazumi Nakamatsu [11] [12] [13]
9Cláudio Rodrigo Torres [13]
10O. Watari [16]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)