
Ousmane Koné

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12EEOusmane Koné: A middleware layer for experimenting service interoperation. ICNS 2006: 56
11EERachid Bouaziz, Ousmane Koné: Symbolic and on the Fly Testing with Real-Time Observers. TestCom 2006: 306-323
10EEOusmane Koné: An Inoteroperability Testing Approach to Wireless Applications Protocols. J. UCS 9(10): 1220-1243 (2003)
9EEMarcien MacKaya, Ousmane Koné, Richard Castanet: Modelling location operations in UMTS networks. MSWiM 2002: 69-73
8 Ousmane Koné: Compliance of Wireless Application Protocols. TestCom 2002: 129-138
7EEOusmane Koné: Conformance testing to real-time communications systems. Computer Communications 25(1): 32-45 (2002)
6EEOusmane Koné: A Local Approach to the Testing of Real-time Systems. Comput. J. 44(5): 435-447 (2001)
5EEOusmane Koné: Experiment with the Validation of WAP Systems. LCN 2000: 405-
4 Ousmane Koné, Jean-Pierre Thomesse: Design of Interoperability Checking Sequences Against WAP. PWC 2000: 101-110
3EEOusmane Koné, Richard Castanet: Test generation for interworking systems. Computer Communications 23(7): 642-652 (2000)
2 Richard Castanet, Ousmane Koné, Patrice Laurençot: On the Fly Test Generation for Real Time Protocols. ICCCN 1998: 378-387
1 Richard Castanet, Ousmane Koné: Deriving Coordinated Testers for Interoperability. Protocol Test Systems 1993: 331-346

Coauthor Index

1Rachid Bouaziz [11]
2Richard Castanet [1] [2] [3] [9]
3Patrice Laurençot [2]
4Marcien MacKaya [9]
5Jean-Pierre Thomesse [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)