
Ailsa Kolsaker

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9EEAilsa Kolsaker, Liz Lee-Kelley: 'Mind the Gap II': E-Government and E-Governance. EGOV 2007: 35-43
8EEAilsa Kolsaker, Liz Lee-Kelley: G2C e-government: modernisation or transformation? EG 4(1): 68-75 (2007)
7EEAilsa Kolsaker: Understanding e-government (G2C) in the knowledge society. IJITM 6(2/3/4): 138-147 (2007)
6EEAilsa Kolsaker, Liz Lee-Kelley: 'Mind the Gap': e-Government and e-Democracy. EGOV 2006: 96-106
5EEAilsa Kolsaker, Liz Lee-Kelley: Citizen-centric e-government: a critique of the UK Model. EG 3(2): 127-138 (2006)
4EEAilsa Kolsaker: Reconceptualising e-government as a tool of governance: the UK case. EG 3(4): 347-355 (2006)
3EEAilsa Kolsaker: Third Way e-Government: The Case for Local Devolution. TCGOV 2005: 70-80
2EEAilsa Kolsaker, Liz Lee-Kelley: Reconceptualising Government in the New E-Ra. KMGov 2004: 18-26
1EELiz Lee-Kelley, Ailsa Kolsaker: E-government: the ''fit'' between supply assumptions and usage drivers. EG 1(2): 130-140 (2004)

Coauthor Index

1Liz Lee-Kelley [1] [2] [5] [6] [8] [9]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)