
George Koliadis

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10EEEvan D. Morrison, Alex Menzies, George Koliadis, Aditya K. Ghose: Business Process Integration: Method and Analysis. APCCM 2009: 29-37
9EEAditya Ghose, George Koliadis: Model Eco-Systems: Preliminary Work. APCCM 2008: 19-26
8EEAditya Ghose, George Koliadis: Actor Eco-systems: From High-Level Agent Models to Executable Processes via Semantic Annotations. COMPSAC (2) 2007: 177-184
7EEMoshiur Bhuiyan, M. M. Zahidul Islam, George Koliadis, Aneesh Krishna, Aditya Ghose: Managing Business Process Risk Using Rich Organizational Models. COMPSAC (2) 2007: 509-520
6EEAditya Ghose, George Koliadis, Arthur Chueng: Rapid Business Process Discovery ( R- BPD). ER 2007: 391-406
5EEAditya Ghose, George Koliadis: Auditing Business Process Compliance. ICSOC 2007: 169-180
4EEGeorge Koliadis, Aditya Ghose: Verifying Semantic Business Process Models in Inter-operation. IEEE SCC 2007: 731-738
3EEAditya Ghose, George Koliadis, Arthur Chueng: Process Discovery from Model and Text Artefacts. IEEE SCW 2007: 167-174
2EEGeorge Koliadis, Aleksandar Vranesevic, Moshiur Bhuiyan, Aneesh Krishna, Aditya K. Ghose: Combining i* and BPMN for Business Process Model Lifecycle Management. Business Process Management Workshops 2006: 416-427
1EEGeorge Koliadis, Aditya Ghose: Relating Business Process Models to Goal-Oriented Requirements Models in KAOS. PKAW 2006: 25-39

Coauthor Index

1Moshiur Bhuiyan [2] [7]
2Arthur Chueng [3] [6]
3Aditya K. Ghose (Aditya Ghose) [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]
4M. M. Zahidul Islam [7]
5Aneesh Krishna [2] [7]
6Alex Menzies [10]
7Evan D. Morrison [10]
8Aleksandar Vranesevic [2]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)