
Prakash Kolan

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7EERam Dantu, Prakash Kolan, João W. Cangussu: Network risk management using attacker profiling. Security and Communication Networks 2(1): 83-96 (2009)
6EEPrakash Kolan, Ram Dantu, João W. Cangussu: Nuisance level of a voice call. TOMCCAP 5(1): (2008)
5EEPrakash Kolan, Ram Vaithilingam, Ram Dantu: Automatic Calibration Using Receiver Operating Characteristics Curves. COMSWARE 2007
4EERam Dantu, Prakash Kolan, Robert Akl, Kall Loper: Classification of Attributes and Behavior in Risk Management Using Bayesian Networks. ISI 2007: 71-74
3EEPrakash Kolan, Ram Dantu: Socio-technical defense against voice spamming. TAAS 2(1): (2007)
2EERam Dantu, Prakash Kolan: Risk Management Using Behavior Based Bayesian Networks. ISI 2005: 115-126
1EERam Dantu, Kall Loper, Prakash Kolan: Risk Management using Behavior based Attack Graphs. ITCC (1) 2004: 445-449

Coauthor Index

1Robert Akl [4]
2João W. Cangussu [6] [7]
3Ram Dantu [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
4Kall Loper [1] [4]
5Ram Vaithilingam [5]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)