
Tomoharu Kokubu

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3 Tetsuya Sakai, Yoshimi Saito, Yumi Ichimura, Makoto Koyama, Tomoharu Kokubu, Toshihiko Manabe: ASKMi: A Japanese Question Answering System based on Semantic Role Analysis. RIAO 2004: 215-231
2EETetsuya Sakai, Yoshimi Saito, Yumi Ichimura, Tomoharu Kokubu, Makoto Koyama: The effect of back-formulating questions in question answering evaluation. SIGIR 2004: 474-475
1EETetsuya Sakai, Tomoharu Kokubu: Evaluating retrieval performance for Japanese question answering: what are best passages? SIGIR 2003: 429-430

Coauthor Index

1Yumi Ichimura [2] [3]
2Makoto Koyama [2] [3]
3Toshihiko Manabe [3]
4Yoshimi Saito [2] [3]
5Tetsuya Sakai [1] [2] [3]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)