
Toshio Kojima

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2EEAkira Sato, Yukiko Sekine, Chihiro Saruta, Hirozumi Nishibe, Noriyuki Morita, Yumi Sato, Tetsushi Sadakata, Yo Shinoda, Toshio Kojima, Teiichi Furuichi: Cerebellar development transcriptome database (CDT-DB): Profiling of spatio-temporal gene expression during the postnatal development of mouse cerebellum. Neural Networks 21(8): 1056-1069 (2008)
1 Ichiro Nakamura, Toshio Kojima, Yutaka Kugai, Fumihiko Kimura: A CAD Database Interface Based on STEP. Interfaces in Industrial Systems for Production Engineering 1993: 115-129

Coauthor Index

1Teiichi Furuichi [2]
2Fumihiko Kimura [1]
3Yutaka Kugai [1]
4Noriyuki Morita [2]
5Ichiro Nakamura [1]
6Hirozumi Nishibe [2]
7Tetsushi Sadakata [2]
8Chihiro Saruta [2]
9Akira Sato [2]
10Yumi Sato [2]
11Yukiko Sekine [2]
12Yo Shinoda [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)