
Michael E. D. Koenig

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5EEMichael E. D. Koenig, Elizabeth M. Mezick: Impact of mergers & acquisitions on research productivity within the pharmaceutical industry. Scientometrics 59(1): 157-169 (2004)
4 Michael E. D. Koenig: On the Existence of Mikhailov. JASIS 44(10): 588-589 (1993)
3 Michael E. D. Koenig: Educational Requirements for a Library-Oriented Career in Information Management. Library Trends 42(2): (1993)
2EEMichael E. D. Koenig: The convergence of Moore's/Mooers' law's. Inf. Process. Manage. 23(6): 583-592 (1987)
1EEHenry G. Small, Michael E. D. Koenig: Journal clustering using a bibliographic coupling method. Inf. Process. Manage. 13(5): 277-288 (1977)

Coauthor Index

1Elizabeth M. Mezick [5]
2Henry G. Small [1]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)