
Wallace Koehler

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8EEWallace Koehler: Virtual inequality: Beyond the digital divide. JASIST 55(11): 1024-1025 (2004)
7EEWallace Koehler: Virtual inequality: Beyond the digital divide. JASIST 55(5): 467-468 (2004)
6EEWallace Koehler: A longitudinal study of Web pages continued: a consideration of document persistence. Inf. Res. 9(2): (2003)
5EEWallace Koehler: Book review. JASIST 54(13): 1264 (2003)
4 Wallace Koehler: Web page change and persistence - A four-year longitudinal study. JASIST 53(2): 162-171 (2002)
3EEWallace Koehler, Paulita Aguilar, Sharon Finarelli, Charles Gaunce, Susan Hatchette, Rebecca Heydon, Emily McEwen, Wendy Mahsetky-Poolaw, Charles T. Melson, Rory Patterson, Mark Stahl, Mary Ann Walker, JoAnna Wall, Gabe Wingfield: A bibliometric analysis of select information science print and electronic journals in the 1990s. Inf. Res. 6(1): (2000)
2EEWallace Koehler: Digital libraries and World Wide Web sites and page persistence. Inf. Res. 4(4): (1999)
1 Wallace Koehler: An Analysis of Web Page and Web Site Constancy and Permanence. JASIS 50(2): 162-180 (1999)

Coauthor Index

1Paulita Aguilar [3]
2Sharon Finarelli [3]
3Charles Gaunce [3]
4Susan Hatchette [3]
5Rebecca Heydon [3]
6Wendy Mahsetky-Poolaw [3]
7Emily McEwen [3]
8Charles T. Melson [3]
9Rory Patterson [3]
10Mark Stahl [3]
11Mary Ann Walker [3]
12JoAnna Wall [3]
13Gabe Wingfield [3]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)