
Jérôme Kodjabachian

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5EEDavid Filliat, Jérôme Kodjabachian, Jean-Arcady Meyer: Evolution of Neural Controllers for Locomotion and Obstacle Avoidance in a Six-legged Robot. Connect. Sci. 11(3-4): 225-242 (1999)
4 Joël Chavas, Christophe Corne, Peter Horvai, Jérôme Kodjabachian, Jean-Arcady Meyer: Incremental Evolution of Neural Controllers for Robust Obstacle-Avoidance in Khepera. EvoRobots 1998: 227-247
3EEJérôme Kodjabachian, Jean-Arcady Meyer: Evolution and Development of Modular Control Architectures for 1D Locomotion in Six-legged Animats. Connect. Sci. 10(3-4): 211-237 (1998)
2EEJérôme Kodjabachian, Jean-Arcady Meyer: Evolution and development of neural controllers for locomotion, gradient-following, and obstacle-avoidance in artificial insects. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks 9(5): 796-812 (1998)
1EEJérôme Kodjabachian, Jean-Arcady Meyer: Evolution and development of control architectures in animats. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 16(2-4): 161-182 (1995)

Coauthor Index

1Joël Chavas [4]
2Christophe Corne [4]
3David Filliat [5]
4Peter Horvai [4]
5Jean-Arcady Meyer [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]

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