
Gerd Kock

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6EEGerd Kock: Layer Types: a Concept for Modeling Arrays of Communicating Objects. Cybernetics and Systems 37(6): 567-585 (2006)
5EEMarko Fabiunke, Gerd Kock: A Connectionist Method to Solve Job Shop Problems. Cybernetics and Systems 31(5): 491-506 (2000)
4EEGerd Kock, Thomas Becher: Flexible Neuro-fuzzy Simulation Based on Abstract Model and Interface Definitions. Cybernetics and Systems 29(7): 689-714 (1998)
3 Thomas Fischer, Wolfgang Eppler, Hartmut Gemmeke, Gerd Kock, Thomas Becher: The SAND Neurochip and Its Embedding in the MiND System. ICANN 1997: 1235-1240
2 T. C. Nicholas Graham, Gerd Kock: Domesticating Imperative Constructs for a Functional World. Structured Programming 13(2): 75-88 (1992)
1 T. C. Nicholas Graham, Gerd Kock: Domesticating Imperative Constructs So That They Can Live in a Functional World. PLILP 1991: 51-62

Coauthor Index

1Thomas Becher [3] [4]
2Wolfgang Eppler [3]
3Marko Fabiunke [5]
4Thomas Fischer [3]
5Hartmut Gemmeke [3]
6T. C. Nicholas Graham [1] [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)