
Midori Kobayashi

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12EEJin Akiyama, Koichi Hirata, Midori Kobayashi, Gisaku Nakamura: Convex developments of a regular tetrahedron. Comput. Geom. 34(1): 2-10 (2006)
11EEMidori Kobayashi, Gisaku Nakamura, Chie Nara: Uniform coverings of 2-paths with 5-paths in the complete graph. Discrete Mathematics 299(1-3): 154-161 (2005)
10EEJin Akiyama, Midori Kobayashi, Gisaku Nakamura: Uniform Coverings of 2-Paths with 6-Paths in the Complete Graph. IJCCGGT 2003: 25-33
9 Midori Kobayashi, Jin Akiyama, Gisaku Nakamura: On Dudeney's Round Table Problem for p + 2. Ars Comb. 62: (2002)
8 Midori Kobayashi, Nobuaki Mutoh, Kiyasu-Zen'iti, Gisaku Nakamura: New Series of Dudeney Sets for p + 2 Vertices. Ars Comb. 65: (2002)
7EEMidori Kobayashi, Gisaku Nakamura: Resolvable Coverings of 2-Paths by Cycles. Graphs and Combinatorics 18(4): 739-744 (2002)
6 Katherine Heinrich, Midori Kobayashi, Gisaku Nakamura: A solution of Dudeney's round table problem for p^eq^f + 1. Ars Comb. 43: (1996)
5 Midori Kobayashi, Kiyasu-Zen'iti, Gisaku Nakamura: A Solution of Dudeney's Round Table Problem for an Even Number of People. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 63(1): 26-42 (1993)
4 Midori Kobayashi, Gisaku Nakamura: Resolvable Coverings of 2-Paths by 4-Cycles. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 60(2): 295-297 (1992)
3 Midori Kobayashi, Gisaku Nakamura: Exact Coverings of 2-Paths by Hamilton Cycles. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 60(2): 298-304 (1992)
2EEKatherine Heinrich, Midori Kobayashi, Gisaku Nakamura: Dudeney's round table problem. Discrete Mathematics 92(1-3): 107-125 (1991)
1EEMidori Kobayashi, Kiyasu-Zen'iti: Perfect one-factorizations of K1332 and K6860. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 51(2): 314-315 (1989)

Coauthor Index

1Jin Akiyama [9] [10] [12]
2Katherine Heinrich [2] [6]
3Koichi Hirata [12]
4 Kiyasu-Zen'iti [1] [5] [8]
5Nobuaki Mutoh [8]
6Gisaku Nakamura [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12]
7Chie Nara [11]

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