
Bong-Jun Ko

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8EEVasileios Pappas, Dinesh Verma, Bong-Jun Ko, Ananthram Swami: A circulatory system approach for wireless sensor networks. Ad Hoc Networks 7(4): 706-724 (2009)
7EEMudhakar Srivatsa, Bong-Jun Ko, Alina Beygelzimer, Venkateshwara Madduri: Scalable Topology Discovery and Link State Detection Using Routing Events. SRDS 2008: 165-174
6EEKang-Won Lee, Bong-Jun Ko, Seraphin B. Calo: Adaptive server selection for large scale interactive online games. Computer Networks 49(1): 84-102 (2005)
5EEBong-Jun Ko, Dan Rubenstein: Distributed self-stabilizing placement of replicated resources in emerging networks. IEEE/ACM Trans. Netw. 13(3): 476-487 (2005)
4EEBong-Jun Ko, Dan Rubenstein: Distributed server replication in large scale networks. NOSSDAV 2004: 127-132
3EEKang-Won Lee, Bong-Jun Ko, Seraphin B. Calo: Adaptive server selection for large scale interactive online games. NOSSDAV 2004: 152-157
2EEBong-Jun Ko, Kang-Won Lee, Khalil Amiri, Seraphin B. Calo: Scalable Service Differentiation in a Shared Storage Cache. ICDCS 2003: 184-193
1EEBong-Jun Ko, Dan Rubenstein: Distributed, Self-Stabilizing Placement of Replicated Resources in Emerging Networks. ICNP 2003: 6-15

Coauthor Index

1Khalil Amiri [2]
2Alina Beygelzimer [7]
3Seraphin B. Calo [2] [3] [6]
4Kang-Won Lee [2] [3] [6]
5Venkateshwara Madduri [7]
6Vasileios Pappas [8]
7Dan Rubenstein [1] [4] [5]
8Mudhakar Srivatsa [7]
9Ananthram Swami [8]
10Dinesh Verma [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)