
Claus Knapheide

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4EEXianjun Sam Zheng, James Jeng-Weei Lin, Salome Zapf, Claus Knapheide: Visualizing User Experience Through "Perceptual Maps": Concurrent Assessment of Perceived Usability and Subjective Appearance in Car Infotainment Systems. HCI (12) 2007: 536-545
3EEClaus Knapheide: Synergy and Subsidiarity: The Systematic Determination of Software, User, and Operating Instructions. Int. J. Hum. Comput. Interaction 12(3-4): 415-430 (2000)
2EEAxel Platz, Claus Knapheide: Interactive Design Using the Example of a Complex Medical Application. Int. J. Hum. Comput. Interaction 12(3-4): 431-440 (2000)
1 Claus Knapheide: From Focus Group to Functional Specification - A Linguistic Approach to the Transfer of Knowledge. HCI (1) 1999: 1247-1251

Coauthor Index

1James Jeng-Weei Lin [4]
2Axel Platz [2]
3Salome Zapf [4]
4Xianjun Sam Zheng [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)