
Jane E. Klobas

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13EEGuglielmo Trentin, Jane E. Klobas, Stefano Renzi: Approaching TEL in university teaching: the faculty training need. Learning to Live in the Knowledge Society 2008: 145-148
12EETanya J. McGill, Jane E. Klobas: User developed application success: sources and effects of involvement. Behaviour & IT 27(5): 407-422 (2008)
11EEPaul Jackson, Jane E. Klobas: Transactive memory systems in organizations: Implications for knowledge directories. Decision Support Systems 44(2): 409-424 (2008)
10EEPaul Jackson, Jane E. Klobas: Envisioning the Virtual Workplace: Conceptualising Virtualisation. ECIS 2005
9 Jane E. Klobas, Stefano Renzi: Scenarios for Web-Enhanced Learning. Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology (V) 2005: 2443-2449
8EETanya J. McGill, Jane E. Klobas: The role of spreadsheet knowledge in user-developed application success. Decision Support Systems 39(3): 355-369 (2005)
7 Jane E. Klobas, Stefano Giordano, Stefano Renzi, Ciro Sementina: Scalable, Multidisciplinary Learning Objects: Technology and Pedagogy. ICALT 2004
6EEPaola Bielli, Jane E. Klobas: E-learning and SMEs: do demand and supply speak the same language? ECIS 2003
5EEStefano Renzi, Jane E. Klobas: Developing Community In Online Distance Learning. ECIS 2002
4EEStefano Renzi, Jane E. Klobas: Steps toward computer-supported collaborative learning for large classes. Educational Technology & Society 3(3): (2000)
3 Jane E. Klobas, David Morrison: A planned behavior in context model of networked information resource use. HCI (2) 1999: 823-827
2 Jane E. Klobas, Tanya J. McGill: Identification of Technological Gatekeepers in the Information Technology Profession. JASIS 46(8): 581-589 (1995)
1 Jane E. Klobas, Tanya J. McGill: Computing Professionals and Information About Developments in Information Technology. Australian Computer Journal 25(4): 149-158 (1993)

Coauthor Index

1Paola Bielli [6]
2Stefano Giordano [7]
3Paul Jackson [10] [11]
4Tanya J. McGill [1] [2] [8] [12]
5David Morrison [3]
6Stefano Renzi [4] [5] [7] [9] [13]
7Ciro Sementina [7]
8Guglielmo Trentin [13]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)