
Andreas Kleine

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3EEAndreas Kleine: Efficiency Measurement of Organizations in Multi-Stage Systems. OR 2007: 337-342
2EEKathrin Fischer, Andreas Kleine: Remarks on "A measure of risk and a decision-making model based on expected utility and entropy" by Jiping Yang and Wanhua Qiu (EJOR 164 (2005), 792-799). European Journal of Operational Research 182(1): 469-474 (2007)
1EEAndreas Kleine, Dennis Sebastian: Generalized DEA-Range Adjusted Measurement. OR 2004: 385-392

Coauthor Index

1Kathrin Fischer [2]
2Dennis Sebastian [1]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)