
Nils Klarlund

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41EENaghmeh Ghafari, Arie Gurfinkel, Nils Klarlund, Richard J. Trefler: Algorithmic Analysis of Piecewise FIFO Systems. FMCAD 2007: 45-52
40EEPatrice Godefroid, Nils Klarlund: Software Model Checking: Searching for Computations in the Abstract or the Concrete. IFM 2005: 20-32
39EEPatrice Godefroid, Nils Klarlund, Koushik Sen: DART: directed automated random testing. PLDI 2005: 213-223
38EENils Klarlund, Richard J. Trefler: Regularity Results for FIFO Channels. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 128(6): 21-36 (2005)
37EENils Klarlund: Relativizations for the Logic-Automata Connection. Higher-Order and Symbolic Computation 18(1-2): 79-120 (2005)
36 Nils Klarlund, Thomas Schwentick, Dan Suciu: XML: Model, Schemas, Types, Logics, and Queries. Logics for Emerging Applications of Databases 2003: 1-41
35 Nils Klarlund, Anders Møller, Michael I. Schwartzbach: The DSD Schema Language. Autom. Softw. Eng. 9(3): 285-319 (2002)
34EENils Klarlund, Anders Møller, Michael I. Schwartzbach: MONA Implementation Secrets. Int. J. Found. Comput. Sci. 13(4): 571-586 (2002)
33EENils Klarlund, Anders Møller, Michael I. Schwartzbach: MONA Implementation Secrets. CIAA 2000: 182-194
32EENils Klarlund, Anders Møller, Michael I. Schwartzbach: DSD: A schema language for XML. FMSP 2000: 101-111
31 Mark A. Smith, Nils Klarlund: Verification of a Sliding Window Protocol Using IOA and MONA. FORTE 2000: 19-34
30EENils Klarlund: A Theory of Restrictions for Logics and Automata. CAV 1999: 406-417
29 Nils Klarlund, Niels Damgaard, Michael I. Schwartzbach: Yakyak: parsing with logical side constraints. Developments in Language Theory 1999: 286-301
28EENils Klarlund, Michael I. Schwartzbach: A Domain-Specific Language for Regular Sets of Strings and Trees. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 25(3): 378-386 (1999)
27 Nils Klarlund: An n log n Algorithm for Online BDD Refinement. J. Algorithms 32(2): 133-154 (1999)
26 Jacob Elgaard, Nils Klarlund, Anders Møller: MONA 1.x: New Techniques for WS1S and WS2S. CAV 1998: 516-520
25 Nils Klarlund: An n log n Algorithm for Online BDD Refinement. CAV 1997: 107-118
24 Nils Klarlund: Mona & Fido: The Logic-Automaton Connection in Practice. CSL 1997: 311-326
23EENils Klarlund, Michael I. Schwartzbach: A Domain-Specific Language for Regular Sets of Strings and Trees. DSL 1997
22 Jakob L. Jensen, Michael E. Jørgensen, Nils Klarlund, Michael I. Schwartzbach: Automatic Verification of Pointer Programs using Monadic Second-Order Logic. PLDI 1997: 226-236
21 Morten Biehl, Nils Klarlund, Theis Rauhe: Mona: Decidable Arithmetic in Practice. FTRTFT 1996: 459-462
20 Nils Klarlund, Jari Koistinen, Michael I. Schwartzbach: Formal Design Constraints. OOPSLA 1996: 370-383
19 Nils Klarlund, Mogens Nielsen, Kim Sunesen: Automated Logical Verification Based on Trace Abstractions. PODC 1996: 101-110
18 Morten Biehl, Nils Klarlund, Theis Rauhe: Algorithms for Guided Tree Automata. Workshop on Implementing Automata 1996: 6-25
17 David A. Basin, Nils Klarlund: Hardware Verification using Monadic Second-Order Logic. CAV 1995: 31-41
16 Nils Klarlund, Madhavan Mukund, Milind A. Sohoni: Determinizing Büchi Asnchronous Automata. FSTTCS 1995: 456-470
15 Jesper G. Henriksen, Jakob L. Jensen, Michael E. Jørgensen, Nils Klarlund, Robert Paige, Theis Rauhe, Anders Sandholm: Mona: Monadic Second-Order Logic in Practice. TACAS 1995: 89-110
14EENils Klarlund, Dexter Kozen: Rabin Measures. Chicago J. Theor. Comput. Sci. 1995: (1995)
13 Nils Klarlund, Michael I. Schwartzbach: Graphs and Decidable Transductions Based on Edge Constraints (Extended Abstract). CAAP 1994: 187-201
12 Nils Klarlund: The Limit View of Infinite Computations. CONCUR 1994: 351-366
11 Nils Klarlund: A Homomorphism Concepts for omega-Regularity. CSL 1994: 471-485
10 Nils Klarlund, Mogens Nielsen, Kim Sunesen: A Case Study in Verification Based on Trace Abstractions. Formal Systems Specification 1994: 341-373
9 Nils Klarlund, Madhavan Mukund, Milind A. Sohoni: Determinizing Asynchronous Automata. ICALP 1994: 130-141
8 Nils Klarlund: Progress Measures, Immediate Determinacy, and a Subset Construction for Tree Automata. Ann. Pure Appl. Logic 69(2-3): 243-268 (1994)
7 Nils Klarlund, Michael I. Schwartzbach: Graph Types. POPL 1993: 196-205
6 Nils Klarlund, Fred B. Schneider: Proving Nondeterministically Specified Safety Properties Using Progress Measures Inf. Comput. 107(1): 151-170 (1993)
5 Nils Klarlund: Progress Measures, Immediate Determinacy, and a Subset Construction for Tree Automata LICS 1992: 382-393
4 Nils Klarlund: Progress Measures and Stack Assertions for Fair Termination. PODC 1992: 229-240
3 Nils Klarlund: Progress Measures for Complementation of omega-Automata with Applications to Temporal Logic FOCS 1991: 358-367
2 Nils Klarlund, Dexter Kozen: Rabin Measures and Their Applications to Fairness and Automata Theory LICS 1991: 256-265
1 Nils Klarlund: Liminf Progress Measures. MFPS 1991: 477-491

Coauthor Index

1David A. Basin [17]
2Morten Biehl [18] [21]
3Niels Damgaard [29]
4Jacob Elgaard [26]
5Naghmeh Ghafari [41]
6Patrice Godefroid [39] [40]
7Arie Gurfinkel [41]
8Jesper G. Henriksen [15]
9Jakob L. Jensen [15] [22]
10Michael E. Jørgensen [15] [22]
11Jari Koistinen [20]
12Dexter Kozen [2] [14]
13Anders Møller [26] [32] [33] [34] [35]
14Madhavan Mukund [9] [16]
15Mogens Nielsen [10] [19]
16Robert Paige [15]
17Theis Rauhe [15] [18] [21]
18Anders Sandholm [15]
19Fred B. Schneider [6]
20Michael I. Schwartzbach [7] [13] [20] [22] [23] [28] [29] [32] [33] [34] [35]
21Thomas Schwentick [36]
22Koushik Sen [39]
23Mark A. Smith [31]
24Milind A. Sohoni [9] [16]
25Dan Suciu [36]
26Kim Sunesen [10] [19]
27Richard J. Trefler [38] [41]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)