
Jürgen Klüver

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12 Christina Stoica-Klüver, Jürgen Klüver, Rainer Unland: A Medical Diagnosis System based on MAS Technology and Neural Networks. BPSC 2009: 179-191
11EEChristina Stoica-Klüver, Jürgen Klüver: Interacting neural networks and the emergence of social structure. Complexity 12(3): 41-52 (2007)
10EEJürgen Klüver, Christina Stoica: Topology, computational models, and social-cognitive complexity. Complexity 11(4): 43-55 (2006)
9EEJürgen Klüver, Christina Stoica: On the nature of culture and communication: a complex systems perspective. Cybernetics and Systems 36(8): 877-902 (2005)
8EEJürgen Klüver, Maarten Sierhuis, Christina Stoica: The Emergence of Social Order in a Robotic Society.. MATES 2004: 29-46
7EEJürgen Klüver, Christina Stoica: Die Programme des Hercule(s): Drei KI-Systeme und ein Mörder. KI 18(3): 52-55 (2004)
6EEJürgen Klüver: The evolution of social geometry. Complexity 9(1): 13-22 (2003)
5EEJürgen Klüver, Christina Stoica, Jörn Schmidt: Formal Models, Social Theory and Computer Simulations: Some Methodical Reflections. J. Artificial Societies and Social Simulation 6(2): (2003)
4EEJürgen Klüver, Christina Stoica: Simulations of Group Dynamics with Different Models. J. Artificial Societies and Social Simulation 6(4): (2003)
3EEJürgen Klüver: The Dynamics and Evolution of Social Systems: New Foundations of a Mathematical Sociology. J. Artificial Societies and Social Simulation 5(4): (2002)
2EEJürgen Klüver, Jörn Schmidt: Topology, Metric and Dynamics of Social Systems. J. Artificial Societies and Social Simulation 2(3): (1999)
1 Jürgen Klüver, Jörn Schmidt, Ralph Kier: Ordering Parameters in the Rule Space of Social Systems. Tools and Techniques for Social Science Simulation 1997: 351-372

Coauthor Index

1Ralph Kier [1]
2Jörn Schmidt [1] [2] [5]
3Maarten Sierhuis [8]
4Christina Stoica-Klüver (Christina Stoica) [4] [5] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12]
5Rainer Unland [12]

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