
Marcos A. Kiwi

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31EEMarcos A. Kiwi, Mauricio Soto, Christopher Thraves: Adversarial queuing theory with setups. Theor. Comput. Sci. 410(8-10): 670-687 (2009)
30EEMarcos A. Kiwi, Gonzalo Navarro, Claudio Telha: On-Line Approximate String Matching with Bounded Errors. CPM 2008: 130-142
29EEPhilippe Camacho, Alejandro Hevia, Marcos A. Kiwi, Roberto Opazo: Strong Accumulators from Collision-Resistant Hashing. ISC 2008: 471-486
28EEJosé R. Correa, Marcos A. Kiwi: Foreword. Algorithmica 50(4): 415-417 (2008)
27 José R. Correa, Alejandro Hevia, Marcos A. Kiwi: LATIN 2006: Theoretical Informatics, 7th Latin American Symposium, Valdivia, Chile, March 20-24, 2006, Proceedings Springer 2006
26EEMarcos A. Kiwi: Adversarial Queueing Theory Revisited. IFIP TCS 2006: 9-10
25EEMarcos A. Kiwi: A concentration bound for the longest increasing subsequence of a randomly chosen involution. Discrete Applied Mathematics 154(13): 1816-1823 (2006)
24EEMarcos A. Kiwi, Martin Loebl, Jirí Matousek: Expected Length of the Longest Common Subsequence for Large Alphabets. LATIN 2004: 302-311
23EEAlejandro Hevia, Marcos A. Kiwi: Electronic jury voting protocols. Theor. Comput. Sci. 321(1): 73-94 (2004)
22EEMarcos A. Kiwi, Alexander Russell: The chilean highway problem. Theor. Comput. Sci. 326(1-3): 329-342 (2004)
21EEMarcos A. Kiwi, Frédéric Magniez, Miklos Santha: Approximate testing with error relative to input size. J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 66(2): 371-392 (2003)
20EEMarcos A. Kiwi: Algebraic testing and weight distributions of codes. Theor. Comput. Sci. 1-3(299): 81-106 (2003)
19EEAlejandro Hevia, Marcos A. Kiwi: Electronic Jury Voting Protocols. LATIN 2002: 415-429
18EEMarcos A. Kiwi, Martin Loebl: Largest planar matching in random bipartite graphs. Random Struct. Algorithms 21(2): 162-181 (2002)
17EEMarcos A. Kiwi, Frédéric Magniez, Miklos Santha: Exact and Approximate Testing/Correcting of Algebraic Functions: A Survey Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity (ECCC) 8(14): (2001)
16EEMarcos A. Kiwi, Daniel A. Spielman, Shang-Hua Teng: Min-max-boundary domain decomposition. Theor. Comput. Sci. 261(2): 253-266 (2001)
15EEMarcos A. Kiwi, Frédéric Magniez, Miklos Santha: Exact and Approximate Testing/Correcting of Algebraic Functions: A Survey. Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science 2000: 30-83
14EEMarcos A. Kiwi, Carsten Lund, Daniel A. Spielman, Alexander Russell, Ravi Sundaram: Alternation in interaction. Computational Complexity 9(3-4): 202-246 (2000)
13EEEric Bach, Marcos A. Kiwi: Threshold data structures and coding theory. Theor. Comput. Sci. 235(1): 3-23 (2000)
12EEMarcos A. Kiwi, Frédéric Magniez, Miklos Santha: Approximate Testing with Relative Error. STOC 1999: 51-60
11EEAlejandro Hevia, Marcos A. Kiwi: Strength of two data encryption standard implementations under timing attacks. ACM Trans. Inf. Syst. Secur. 2(4): 416-437 (1999)
10EEMarcos A. Kiwi, Daniel A. Spielman, Shang-Hua Teng: Min-Max-Boundary Domain Decomposition. COCOON 1998: 137-146
9EEAlejandro Hevia, Marcos A. Kiwi: Strength of Two Data Encryption Standard Implementations under Timing Attacks. LATIN 1998: 192-205
8EEMarcos A. Kiwi: Testing and Weight Distributions of Dual Codes Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity (ECCC) 4(10): (1997)
7 Mihir Bellare, Don Coppersmith, Johan Håstad, Marcos A. Kiwi, Madhu Sudan: Linearity testing in characteristic two. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 42(6): 1781-1795 (1996)
6 Mihir Bellare, Don Coppersmith, Johan Håstad, Marcos A. Kiwi, Madhu Sudan: Linearity Testing in Characteristic Two. FOCS 1995: 432-441
5 Marcos A. Kiwi, Carsten Lund, Alexander Russell, Daniel A. Spielman, Ravi Sundaram: Alternation in Interaction. Structure in Complexity Theory Conference 1994: 294-303
4 Marcos A. Kiwi, René Ndoundam, Maurice Tchuente, Eric Goles Ch.: No Polynomial Bound for the Period of the Parallel Chip Firing Game on Graphs. Theor. Comput. Sci. 136(2): 527-532 (1994)
3 Eric Goles Ch., Marcos A. Kiwi: Games on Line Graphs and Sand Piles. Theor. Comput. Sci. 115(2): 321-349 (1993)
2 Eric Goles Ch., Marcos A. Kiwi: Dynamics of Sand-Piles Games on Graphs. LATIN 1992: 219-230
1 Eric Goles Ch., Marcos A. Kiwi: A lower bound on the computational complexity of the QR decomposition on a shared memory SIMD computer. Parallel Computing 18(3): 345-354 (1992)

Coauthor Index

1Eric Bach [13]
2Mihir Bellare [6] [7]
3Philippe Camacho [29]
4Eric Goles Ch. [1] [2] [3] [4]
5Don Coppersmith [6] [7]
6José R. Correa [27] [28]
7Johan Håstad [6] [7]
8Alejandro Hevia [9] [11] [19] [23] [27] [29]
9Martin Loebl [18] [24]
10Carsten Lund [5] [14]
11Frédéric Magniez [12] [15] [17] [21]
12Jirí Matousek [24]
13Gonzalo Navarro [30]
14René Ndoundam [4]
15Roberto Opazo [29]
16Alexander Russell [5] [14] [22]
17Miklos Santha [12] [15] [17] [21]
18Mauricio Soto [31]
19Daniel A. Spielman [5] [10] [14] [16]
20Madhu Sudan [6] [7]
21Ravi Sundaram [5] [14]
22Maurice Tchuente [4]
23Claudio Telha [30]
24Shang-Hua Teng [10] [16]
25Christopher Thraves [31]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)