
Jukka Kiviniemi

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2EEJukka Kiviniemi, Antoni Wolski, Antti Pesonen, Johannes Arminen: Lazy Aggregates for Real-Time OLAP. DaWaK 1999: 165-172
1 Jukka Kiviniemi, Tiina Niklander, Pasi Porkka, Kimmo E. E. Raatikainen: Transaction Processing in the RODAIN Real-Time Database System. RTDB 1997: 355-378

Coauthor Index

1Johannes Arminen [2]
2Tiina Niklander [1]
3Antti Pesonen [2]
4Pasi Porkka [1]
5Kimmo E. E. Raatikainen [1]
6Antoni Wolski [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)