
Takeshi Kitazawa

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4 Takeshi Kitazawa, Masahiro Nagai, Hiroshi Kato, Kanji Akahori: Development of an Electronic Bulletin Board: Retrieval System Reflecting Keyword Similarity and Evaluation of its Retrieving Efficiency. ICCE 2007: 283-286
3 Takeshi Kitazawa, Masahiro Nagai, Hiroshi Kato, Kanji Akahori: Science Net: Effects of an e-Learning System on Elementary School Students' Self-Regulated Learning in Science Classes. ICCE 2006: 81-88
2 Takeshi Kitazawa, Masahiro Nagai, Hiroshi Kato, Kanji Akahori: Development and Assessment of the "Science Net" e-Learning System for Science Education at the Elementary School Level. ICCE 2005: 744-747
1 Takeshi Kitazawa, Hiroshi Kato, Kanji Akahori: Comparative Study on Trouble Recognition in the Process of Information. ICCE 2002: 1077-1078

Coauthor Index

1Kanji Akahori [1] [2] [3] [4]
2Hiroshi Kato [1] [2] [3] [4]
3Masahiro Nagai [2] [3] [4]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)