
Bernd Kirsig

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6EEBernd Kirsig: A Relation Between Sparse and Printable Sets in NSPACE(log n). Foundations of Computer Science: Potential - Theory - Cognition 1997: 177-184
5 Birgit Jenner, Bernd Kirsig: Characterizing The Polynomial Hierarchy by Alternating Auxiliary Pushdown Automata. ITA 23(1): 87-99 (1989)
4 Birgit Jenner, Bernd Kirsig, Klaus-Jörn Lange: The Logarithmic Alternation Hierarchy Collapses: A \sum^\calL_2=APi^\calL_2 Inf. Comput. 80(3): 269-287 (1989)
3 Birgit Jenner, Bernd Kirsig: Characterizing the Polynomial Hierarchy by Alternating Auxiliary Pushdown Automata. STACS 1988: 118-125
2 Klaus-Jörn Lange, Birgit Jenner, Bernd Kirsig: The Logarithmic Alternation Hierarchiy Collapses: A Sigma^C_2 = A Pi^C_2. ICALP 1987: 531-541
1 Bernd Kirsig, Klaus-Jörn Lange: Separation with the Ruzzo, Simon, and Tompa Relativization Implies DSPACE(log n) != NSPACE(log n). Inf. Process. Lett. 25(1): 13-15 (1987)

Coauthor Index

1Birgit Jenner [2] [3] [4] [5]
2Klaus-Jörn Lange [1] [2] [4]

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