
Noriki Kinoshita

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4EEKiyomi Nakamura, Noriki Kinoshita, Hirokazu Kanayama: 2D spreading associative neural network simultaneously recognizes object position and shape in 2D space. Systems and Computers in Japan 33(13): 11-23 (2002)
3EEKiyomi Nakamura, Noriki Kinoshita, Hirokazu Kanayama, Takashi Minami: Spreading Associative Neural Network Recognizes the Shape and Position of an Object Simultaneously. IJCNN (2) 2000: 137-142
2EEKiyomi Nakamura, Noriki Kinoshita: Recognition of object position and shape by the spread pattern of spatial spreading associative neural network. Systems and Computers in Japan 30(14): 74-87 (1999)
1 Kiyomi Nakamura, Noriki Kinoshita, Tadataka Yoshikawa: Face Shape and Position Recognition in Two-D Space by Spreading Associative Neural Network. ICONIP 1998: 417-420

Coauthor Index

1Hirokazu Kanayama [3] [4]
2Takashi Minami [3]
3Kiyomi Nakamura [1] [2] [3] [4]
4Tadataka Yoshikawa [1]

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