
S. R. Kingan

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4EES. R. Kingan: Intersections of circuits and cocircuits in binary matroids. Discrete Mathematics 195(1-3): 157-165 (1999)
3EES. R. Kingan: A generalization of a graph result of D. W. Hall. Discrete Mathematics 173(1-3): 129-135 (1997)
2EES. R. Kingan: Binary matroids without prisms, prism duals, and cubes. Discrete Mathematics 152(1-3): 211-224 (1996)
1EES. R. Kingan, James G. Oxley: On the matroids in which all hyperplanes are binary. Discrete Mathematics 160(1-3): 265-271 (1996)

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1James G. Oxley [1]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)