
Jörg Kindermann

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18EEVlado Stankovski, Martin Swain, Valentin Kravtsov, Thomas Niessen, Dennis Wegener, Jörg Kindermann, Werner Dubitzky: Grid-enabling data mining applications with DataMiningGrid: An architectural perspective. Future Generation Comp. Syst. 24(4): 259-279 (2008)
17 Gerhard Paaß, Jörg Kindermann, Edda Leopold: Learning Prototype Ontologies by Hierachical Latent Semantic Analysis. LWA 2004: 193-205
16EERené Cavet, Stephan Volmer, Edda Leopold, Jörg Kindermann, Gerhard Paaß: Revealing the connoted visual code: a new approach to video classification. Computers & Graphics 28(3): 361-369 (2004)
15 Joachim Diederich, Jörg Kindermann, Edda Leopold, Gerhard Paass: Authorship Attribution with Support Vector Machines. Appl. Intell. 19(1-2): 109-123 (2003)
14EEGerhard Paass, Jörg Kindermann: Bayesian regression mixtures of experts for geo-referenced data. Intell. Data Anal. 7(6): 567-582 (2003)
13EEGerhard Paass, Edda Leopold, Martha Larson, Jörg Kindermann, Stefan Eickeler: SVM Classification Using Sequences of Phonemes and Syllables. PKDD 2002: 373-384
12 Edda Leopold, Jörg Kindermann: Text Categorization with Support Vector Machines. How to Represent Texts in Input Space? Machine Learning 46(1-3): 423-444 (2002)
11EEJörg Kindermann, Gerhard Paass, Edda Leopold: Error Correcting Codes with Optimized Kullback-Leibler Distances for Text Categorization. PKDD 2001: 266-276
10EEGerhard Paass, Jörg Kindermann: Multistep Sequential Exploration of Growing Bayesian Classification Models. IJCNN (3) 2000: 566-574
9EEGerhard Paass, Jörg Kindermann: Transparency and Predicive Power: Explaining Complex Classification Models. PKDD 2000: 558-565
8 Gerhard Paass, Jörg Kindermann: Bayesian Classification Trees with Overlapping Leaves Applied to Credit-Scoring. PAKDD 1998: 234-245
7 Jörg Kindermann, Gerhard Paass: Model Switching for Bayesian Classification Trees with Soft Splits. PKDD 1998: 148-157
6 Gerhard Paass, Jörg Kindermann: Klassifikation mit Populationen von heterogenen Modellen. KI 12(2): 56-65 (1998)
5EEGerhard Paass, Jörg Kindermann: Bayesian Query Construction for Neural Network Models. NIPS 1994: 443-450
4 Jörg Kindermann, Alexander Linden: Inversion of neural networks by gradient descent. Parallel Computing 14(3): 277-286 (1990)
3 Jörg Kindermann, Alexander Linden: Detection of Minimal Microfeatures by Internal Feedback. ÖGAI 1989: 230-239
2 Justus Meier, Jörg Kindermann: Generierung mit Lexical - Functional Grammar (LFG). GWAI 1986: 113-118
1 Jörg Kindermann, Justus Meier: An Efficient Parser for Lexical Functional grammar. GWAI 1986: 143-148

Coauthor Index

1René Cavet [16]
2Joachim Diederich [15]
3Werner Dubitzky [18]
4Stefan Eickeler [13]
5Valentin Kravtsov [18]
6Martha Larson [13]
7Edda Leopold [11] [12] [13] [15] [16] [17]
8Alexander Linden [3] [4]
9Justus Meier [1] [2]
10Thomas Niessen [18]
11Gerhard Paass (Gerhard Paaß) [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17]
12Vlado Stankovski [18]
13Martin Swain [18]
14Stephan Volmer [16]
15Dennis Wegener [18]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)