
Sybren de Kinderen

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4EESybren de Kinderen, Jaap Gordijn: Reasoning about Substitute Choices and Preference Ordering in e-Services. CAiSE 2008: 390-404
3EEJaap Gordijn, Sybren de Kinderen, Vincent Pijpers, Hans Akkermans: e-Services in a Networked World: From Semantics to Pragmatics. FIS 2008: 44-57
2EESybren de Kinderen, Jaap Gordijn: e3service: An Ontological Approach for Deriving Multi-supplier IT-Service Bundles from Consumer Needs. HICSS 2008: 318
1EEJaap Gordijn, Sybren de Kinderen, Roel Wieringa: Value-driven Service Matching. RE 2008: 67-70

Coauthor Index

1Hans Akkermans (J. M. Akkermans) [3]
2Jaap Gordijn [1] [2] [3] [4]
3Vincent Pijpers [3]
4Roel Wieringa [1]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)