
Youngho Kim

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11EEYoungho Kim, Yingshi Tian, Yoonjae Jeong, Ryu Jihee, Sung-Hyon Myaeng: Automatic discovery of technology trends from patent text. SAC 2009: 1480-1487
10EEYoungho Kim, Yuchul Jung, Sung-Hyon Myaeng: An Opinion Analysis System Using Domain-Specific Lexical Knowledge. AIRS 2008: 466-471
9EEJongsang Son, Hueseok Choi, Youngho Kim: Analysis of Changes in Muscle Length of Lower Limbs during High-heeled Walking Based on the Musculoskeletal Model. BMEI (2) 2008: 809-812
8EESeonhong Hwang, Youngeun Kim, Youngho Kim: Joint Kinetics and Lumbar Curvatures during Symmetric Lifting: Squat and Stoop. BMEI (2) 2008: 818-822
7EEHueseok Choi, Youngho Kim: Foot/Ankle Roll-Over Characteristics for Different Joint Alignments of the Ankle-Foot Orthosis( AFO) during Level Walking. BMEI (2) 2008: 872-874
6EEYuchul Jung, Joo-Young Lee, Youngho Kim, Jaehyun Park, Sung-Hyon Myaeng, Hae-Chang Rim: Building a Large-Scale Commonsense Knowledge Base by Converting an Existing One in a Different Language. CICLing 2007: 23-34
5EEYoungho Kim, Yuchul Jung, Sung-Hyon Myaeng: Identifying Opinion Holders in Opinion Text from Online Newspapers. GrC 2007: 699-
4EESang-Gu Kim, Youngho Kim, Taewan Kim, YoungTae Son: An Introduction of Indicator Variables and Their Application to the Characteristics of Congested Traffic Flow at the Merge Area. ICHIT 2006: 103-113
3 Youngho Kim, Jeongnyeo Kim: Design of Packet Filtering on Network Processor. Security and Management 2005: 213-220
2EEYoungho Kim, Jung-Ja Kim, Yonggwan Won, Yongho In: Segmentation of Protein Spots in 2D Gel Electrophoresis Images with Watersheds Using Hierarchical Threshold. ISCIS 2003: 389-396
1 Youngho Kim, Chongsang Kim: On Clustering of Hypercube for Large-Scale Multiprocessor Systems. INFOCOM 1991: 822-829

Coauthor Index

1Hueseok Choi [7] [9]
2Seonhong Hwang [8]
3Yongho In [2]
4Yoonjae Jeong [11]
5Ryu Jihee [11]
6Yuchul Jung [5] [6] [10]
7Chongsang Kim [1]
8Jeongnyeo Kim [3]
9Jung-Ja Kim [2]
10Sang-Gu Kim [4]
11Taewan Kim [4]
12Youngeun Kim [8]
13Joo-Young Lee [6]
14Sung-Hyon Myaeng [5] [6] [10] [11]
15Jaehyun Park [6]
16Hae-Chang Rim [6]
17Jongsang Son [9]
18YoungTae Son [4]
19Yingshi Tian [11]
20Yonggwan Won [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)