
Young Beom Kim

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4EEYoung Beom Kim, Young-Jae Park, Sangbok Kim, Eui-nam Huh: Route Optimization Problems with Local Mobile Nodes in Nested Mobile Networks. ICCSA (2) 2006: 515-524
3EEYoung Beom Kim, Kang-Yoon Lee, Hyunchul Ku, Eui-nam Huh: A Route Optimization Via Recursive CoA Substitution for Nested Mobile Networks. ICCSA (2) 2006: 827-836
2EEKang-Yoon Lee, Hyunchul Ku, Young Beom Kim: A Fast Switching Low Phase Noise CMOS Frequency Synthesizer with a New Coarse Tuning Method for PHS Applications. IEICE Transactions 89-C(3): 420-428 (2006)
1EEHyunchul Ku, Kang-Yoon Lee, Young Beom Kim: ACPR Improvement Limitations of Predistortion Linearizer for Nonlinear RF Power Amplifiers. IEICE Transactions 89-C(4): 466-472 (2006)

Coauthor Index

1Eui-nam Huh [3] [4]
2Sangbok Kim [4]
3Hyunchul Ku [1] [2] [3]
4Kang-Yoon Lee [1] [2] [3]
5Young-Jae Park [4]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)